things on my mind: a list!



^look at the terror-baby i found on the silica gel packet in my fried seaweed^

-i’m really glad i have this blog. i just read through a good chunk of it and really enjoyed the ride.

-it is almost 2:30am and im not asleep AND i have work in the morning. yikes. sleep. why are you not happening…(i blame it on me trying to stay up till 1:51 so i could make my 151st post on tumblr because alcohol) <–also did i ever mention how some crumb-bag deleted my old tumblr? what a rotten thing to do. i still get sad about it. like i’ll remember an old post i had made and get kinda bummed that i can’t go back and look at it. but ah well, destruction is just another form of creation and out of the ashes of the old are born the new. whatever, you know.

-i can’t write. i’ve had serious writers block for at least six months now.

-alex is pummeling me in his sleep by flailing his arms with wild purpose every few minutes. i tried rubbing his back to chase out the ghosts making him restless but alas it was only a temporary solution.

-work tomorrow is going to be…not so good. what with how little of sleep i’ll be getting. i feel like im a train conductor who sees theĀ derailmentĀ about to happen but does nothing out of a sick and twisted desire to crash. sleep hard.

-I NEED TO JUST GO TO BED. i’ve been so good lately but i knew a late night was on the horizon, i could feel the nocturnal itch…i just wish it hadn’t come on a night that i have work in the morning.




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