Suddenly Sick as a Squirrel





Did I ever show you this lino-cut print I did earlier this year? I have a feeling I didn’t. But it’s based on Eyedea and Abilities’ song “Burn Fetish” which has haunting lyrics that have inspired many a piece of writing from me, sooo…I decided to turn the tables and see how it inspired my visual art.

The lyrics around the outer edge read:

“Empathy is the poor man’s cocaine / and love is just a chemical by any other name / I like the way your pheromones make me sleepy / this far away I still smell you inside me.”


Man oh man the last few days have been a blur, in both good and bad ways. On Tuesday night I got the sneaking suspicion that I was coming down with something. Sure enough by Wednesday morning I was sick as a dog. (Well not THAT bad, let’s say sick as a squirrel) It quickly became apparent that I had come down with dun.dun.dun! A case of the common cold!

So I napped on the couch till friday. (Hence no update for awhile)

Then Friday I ran around like a chicken with my head cut off doing some of the following:

-Coffee/shopping with Alyssa

– )~~~*~~*~*JOB INTERVIEW*~*~~*~~~(

-Met up with Katy and went to Newbies, Wyman’s then my house (For the record Expresso vodka and pumpkin eggnog mixed together was /not/that/good/ but of course it was really great hanging out with Katy regardless.

I was exhausted by the time I passed out and today have felt a little set back cold-wise so I’m snuggling with my cat and giving life updates to you, also known as: a night in.

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