

This is an in-progress painting I started tonight. Going to bring it to class tomorrow and let Pacheco tear it all apart…or not…hard to say with him…

Please excuse the glare in some spots.

Shit, I love painting.

Maybe on my next project I’ll do a time-lapse video of my progress…that could be interesting because this painting went through many phases and came out completely different than where it looked like it was going.


  1. I like it. I would also like to see more of your work. Are you going to post more paintings?


  2. I put most of my homework projects up here (though I guess a lot have slipped by or I was not happy enough with them!) Also the “Art” link on the sidebar has a lot of older work (:

    Thanks for looking!

  3. Beautiful work! I love the warmth in the middle and the darkened cool edges. Great paint spreading and eff that teach!


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