Skater Girl – Queen of my world



When I posted this on facebook I captioned it “this will be me someday only on quads” now I take that back. Scratch the quads I’m going to master inline skates. I was always better at rollerblading than rollerskating in the first place and I want to do all kinds of sweet tricks. Can’t grind on quads. 

My interest in quads originally stemmed from my desire to do roller derby but honestly I just don’t have the free time in my life for derby. Also I thought the rollerskates looked cooler. But really I don’t care (that much) about what my skates look like. I just want to have fun rolling around, jumping in the air, and all that good stuff. 

So this weekend if I’m brave enough to go all by myself or if I can find a buddy to accompany me I’m going to check out a skate shop in Brookline and possibly invest in some badass skates. 

Until then one more day of work until it’s the WEEKEND!

Which brings us to the list portion of this post:

Hannah’s Weekend To-Do List:

1. Rearrange bedroom furniture 

2. Look into getting skates

3. Clean car

4. Bake a cherry pie (probably won’t)

5. Laundry

And on that note!

Happy trails to you, until we meet again. 

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