


Bag of oranges




Things that happened today:

-Took Oreo to the vet…he was pretty sick last night, still the vet said considering his age he’s in tip-top cat-shape.

-Got coffee with Tim

-Am in the process of making a dacquoise with my dad.


(According to wikipedia:

dacquoise is a dessert cake made with layers of almond and hazelnut meringue and whipped cream or buttercream.[1] It takes its name from the feminine form of the French word dacquois, meaning ‘of Dax’, a town in southwestern France. It is usually served chilled and accompanied by fruit. A particular form of the dacquoise is the marjolaine , which is long and rectangular and combines almondand hazelnut meringue layers with chocolate buttercream.)


I was going to photo-document the cooking process but alas only the photos of things other than the task at hand came out looking nice.

Hopefully I’ll get some good photos of the completed work of pastry art.


In the mean time, to quote the show “Two Stupid Dogs”

“When do we eat!”


That’s all folks.


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