Old Things, New Things, Red Things, Blue Things


Today I worked on cleaning my room, or continued the organization process. Which means I had to sift through all kinds of acquired memories that had been tucked away for years. You know sometimes I think it’d be best to hoard all my artwork that I create and leave it to be discovered a long time after I die. I don’t want to witness my artwork being forgotten. (Despite most of the stuff I found today having been forgotten for years, even by me…I got to experience the joy of rediscovering some of it tonight.) I can only imagine the wonder of discovering someone’s life-works crammed into a single room, and I’d love to be the source of that wonder.
Dare to dream, Hannah…

Anyway here are some tidbits I captured of one of the old sketchbooks I stumbled across. It brought back a lot of memories from a time long ago.

(Sorry about the horrible lighting/color.)

Ink spill bug


A polaroid in Maryland and something in Russian

Lights for eyes

In another world…


HEEBIE-JEEBIE! Man do I miss that cat

Noway Home

That was then, this is now


Dress feet

The best hat ever. 

A day in Boston

There’s a lot of things I miss sometimes. Ahh nostalgia…

Anyway the above sketchbook is going to become part of this one of these days.

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