Ok Summer…


Summer, summer, summer. So great yet I’m already sick of the heat and ready for some fall days. (This is pathetic it’s not even August yet!) But I’m suffering through, some how… just barely. The following pictures are all out of order and also make it look like the only thing I ever do it bake. While that’s not completely true, I have been baking more than usual just because when you know how to make a decent pie crust, well you just gotta keep your skills sharp. Most of the pies I’ve made so far are in the freezer and any that aren’t eaten between now and September are being donated to my mom’s church’s bake sale. Though right now the freezer is at capacity so I need to find an auxiliary freezer.

In other exciting news shifting career gears has been going well. I’m super excited about my current job (which is temporary for the summer) and then in a couple weeks I’m starting a permanent position at a different school. In the fall I’m going to cautiously dip a toe into the college waters. All in all things feel almost *too* good. I keep looking around me for signs that things are actually really terrible, but other than the political news which is constant and terrible, I can’t find any sign of upset. Everything seems really good for good reason. I think part of this is I didn’t realize how deeply I was being affected by the mundane of the call center. It was such a weight, and now to have that swapped out for work that excites me, work that I see a viable future in, work that has meaning for me beyond just a paycheck. It’s pretty cool.

But enough of this blather-fest. On to the pictures!


This was a few weeks ago, to the beach with Natalie and her kids who I buried in the sand.



My first ever cherry pie from fresh tart cherries! (1 of 3)



These are the fresh cherries (15 cups of them!)



Blueberries and tiny tiny pie pans for bite sized pies.



These came out cute but were *so much* work. I don’t like making cookies because of the repetitive tedium and this was like cookie making on steroids. But if you want to taste one come to All 8 On the Floor! Worcester Roller Derby’s tournament for B teams all around New England! (Shameless plug)



This was the rest of the blueberries in pie form



Mazzy has a flat tire and it’s just making it clear I really need to sell this damn car. I’m still sometimes terrified but getting much better at driving Blackbird (As that metal song goes “standard is an initial D” and “you’re not metal til you have a clutch pedal”)



This pie was the first of the season, with an experimental herringbone crust



I love going to Airspray but sometimes a queer dance party is a little much when you’d rather have a queer beer with some friends.



And last but not least Ebbie was in town! With Hannah his girlfriend. We had a blast, here he is about to jump into the water for me and Hannah to take pictures of him in mid air.


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