New Hampshire Roll


Here (at the bottom of all this text) are some photos from Memorial Day weekend!

When I was packing for our getaway to NH I came across a camera loaded with a half used roll of 120 film. So I finished off the roll over the weekend and then took it to Creative Camera (The only place around that still develops medium format) Sadly though the film processor there is down for an undisclosed amount of time. BUT! I did get to chat with Lee the owner who is a good guy.

Anyway Lee gave me an order form to send my film out to Dwayne’s but I’m hesitant because 1. I’m too lazy to send away. and 2. Myk (a fellow filmtographer) has lost faith in their quality.

I also have some old rolls of 120 slide film that I’ve been meaning to get developed since 2007 – CAN YOU BELIEVE IT 2007?!

So I guess I’ll just add this new addition to the pile. Though in my defense! The slide film I want to get cross processed and there are literally zero places I know of that will willingly xpro 35mm LET ALONE have medium format capabilities.

Anyway I was going to scan these photos but this morning I had time to kill while sitting outside so this happened.




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