Memories Down The Road


There’s a telephone pole somewhere between here and Pennsylvania that I think about a lot. It was surrounded by trees and had a yellow marker on it. I was young when I saw it and consciously burned it into my memory wondering what the future would bring me by the time I thought of it next. I wondered if I’d be married and have kids, and what being a “grown up” would be like. So here I am over a decade later, sitting on a tall, quiet porch and wrapped in a blanket. I’m thinking about the marker etched into my mind. Thinking about my innocent wonderment about the concept of the future. And here I am, pleasantly unmarried and childless. I’ve got blisters on the bottoms of my feet from walking a mile in the wrong shoes. I’ve had heartache, and I ‘ve had my heart soar from the love of another. I’ve had dark times, and times of clarity. I’ve worked hard to reach my peace of mind, though still sometimes it slips away I’ve gotten better at finding it again. So I sit. Sit and think about that yellow marker and wonder what life will have brought me by the time I think of it again. What new lessons will time have taught me? Where will I be?

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