June photos, projects, and bears. oh my!


 And by bears I mean fearsome kitten. 




Here are some photos from June. Including the dam, Salem Ma, and NH.

July has started off well even with the rainy 4th. Yesterday was beautiful though! Alex and I went up to New Hampshire and had dinner with my family and then went out onto the boat to watch the fireworks on the lake. It was such a great time.

In other news I have two projects going.

A few weeks ago I found a shipping envelope filled with letters I received in high school. Around that time I was keeping a detailed written journal and also journaling online. So I’ve been transcribing letters and journal entries into one document organized by date. I have no idea what the end result will look like, what I’m going to do with it, or if it will even be readable. The one thing I do know is that many of the entries put a smile on my face now and that is pretty cool. (Though there are other entries that are so embarrassing and melodramatic that they make me cringe) But for now I’m transcribing them word for word and then I’ll think about how much to edit them. Another thing I’ve been thinking about is adding reflective writing in certain places but I haven’t crossed that bridge yet. The time for that will come, or maybe it won’t. I’m not going to push it.

The other project is a sixteen page comic about a watch of Pulp Fiction importance that gets lost at the bottom of a quarry. But that’s all I’m going to disclose about that.

And now if you’ve been patient enough to read through all that blathering, you will be rewarded with some breathtaking photos. (well actually they’re pretty run of the mill but if you squint your eyes just right you’d never know, I swear…)













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