Journal Work


Hello, 2017 (and friends!)

I should probably add one more 2017 resolution to the mix… like maybe updating this damn blog on a regular basis???

Let’s not get too carried away though!

I just got home from traveling today and I feel like I’m on a boat still (even though I wasn’t even traveling by boat!) I think I suffer from post-motion sickness or prolonged motion sickness (does that exist?) because whenever I spend a long time in a boat, car, or roller coasters I usually feel weird for the rest of the day. I opted for driving the second leg of the journey since driving seems to feel better than passengering.

Anyway! I’m very glad to be home sweet home. I’ve got a busy day tomorrow, lots of cooking, buying a new pair of shoes, and picking up a precious hooded scarf from dear DomiNat.

While I was away I did a lot of drawing and writing in my little notebook/workbook (?) You can see my progress below. The drawings span from 12/20/16 – 01/01/17


i JUST realized that (by chance) the two stickers i stuck to the front of my journal reference atoms (Atomic Books and Atom Skates) that’s a pretty cool coincidence!


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