In Progress Homework


The assignment: Convey the feeling of Night and what it means to you. Use only darks lights and mid tones (if desired). No color and it can be any medium.

I chose collage. I’ve got some major kinks to work out (I’ll get into those in a bit) but I like the start so far.
The idea behind this is a visual representation of Jenny, a character I created years ago to embody the darkness I’ve experienced at certain times in my life. Jenny is certainly a creature of the night.
This is a nod to the dark times of my life.
Now on to the things that need to be fixed:
-The lips, which is a relatively minor fix. I just need to go back into them a little more with the black paper.
-The white areas, this is the main problem I’m going to have with the picture. Unfortunately there are a bunch of pencil smudges yet the already in place dark areas are delicate enough that going back in with white paper will be difficult.
Oh well I’ll figure it out and post a real picture (aka not a crappy webcam photo) when I’m done.

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