Falling into Fall time


So it’s only been 1.5 months since my last post. But a lot of fun has happened so get ready for a ton of photos.

Work has been going really well. I didn’t realize it was possible to love a job as much as I love this job. I still feel pretty inept and like I’ve got a lot of learning to do, but it’s been a great experience so far! Life outside of work has also been really good. Weekends are a total whirlwind of fun things and the only complaint I have is there’s too much fun stuff to choose from! I try to pack as much in though and by Sunday I’m ready to relax and take care of things like laundry and food shopping.

Oh also THE MOST EXCITING THING: Fall is pretty much here! Pumpkin spice as far as the eye can see, apples in the orchards ready to be picked, leaves starting to turn around the edges, and best of all cool nights!


Malden macarons that I got for Amanda but ended up accidentally squishing on the way home and forgetting to bring to her until I gave up and ate them myself.


The view at Ralph’s…




Fireworks weekend, tubing with Natalie and fam


Happy me!


Sambert on the trampoline ride at the fireworks


Painting with kiddos in Noho


I was so confused by these readings and thought the cards were going wacko. Then a few days later it all made sense.


Bachelorette party!!!! And look at how garnished the water is at Nick’s


I love how excited Liz is about the doggos


You’ve been warned!


Amanda blowing smoke up a dragons butt


Lo was so excited that she was Mookie’s chosen human


Beautiful tea at the bean counter


Tengo: Top Dog


The joys of apartment hunting. *Shudders*


Babysitting brought to you by: Snapchat


Selfie with John attempt 1


Selfie with John attempt 2


Selfie with John attempt 3 (I was laughing uncontrollably at this point.)


Alyssa’s mug (That I didn’t steal)


John wanted to play D+D too


WEDDING DAY! Look how cute the tables were


AND THE BRIDES!!!! (So many happy tears)




Mary finishing her ice cream cone


Petting all the goats


A little blue leaf jumper


Dumplings were *outta this world*


Fulfilling my basic needs


Snugs with Bailey!


Shoes match dress <3


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