August 11, 2013
by Hannah Color

Artist Block

I had a dream last night that I was roaming through an “artistic funhouse” and it was really awesome right up until the end where I got to meet the person behind the creation. He took me into his office … Continue reading

March 5, 2013
by Hannah Color

I Dream of Battleships

  Wow, it’s been awhile since I’ve updated. I guess life just kind of swept me off my feet what with working full time and being smitten with a certain someone. Still I’ve been managing to find some time to … Continue reading

November 28, 2012
by Hannah Color

Coat dreams

  So I have this faux fur coat that I absolutely adore…it might just be my favorite coat that I’ve ever owned. I’ve taken to making up stories about where my procured meaningful items have come from. I’ll share with … Continue reading

November 26, 2012
by Hannah Color

Tis the season (almost)

So I’ve decided this year my gifts for friends are going to have a ~*~*theme*~*~       That’s right, the gifts are going to be in cool/vintage/or hand painted boxes.     In other news: There really isn’t any … Continue reading

October 29, 2012
by Hannah Color

The Grand Tour

Welcome to a tour of my newly organized bookshelves.  I like to “freshen up” the shelves every few months, add the new additions, phase out the space-takers, dust/reorganize the trinkets.   Let’s begin with an overview:         … Continue reading

August 10, 2012
by Hannah Color

New Website!

Thanks for checking out my new website, anyone whose checking out my new website! Here are some things that are brewing: -Soon (hopefully before September) I will be posting installments of a comic I’ve been working on. I’m planning to … Continue reading

June 24, 2012
by Hannah Color

Floating Around

I’m considering deleting my facebook again, but I hope that notion passes before I actually do so. Also the amount of people who were on the lake watching me hop up and down over and over again while trying to … Continue reading