A Writing Assignment


A Fate You Chose

In the beginning nothing is alarming.
 These images move slow, crawling through my mind.
Creatures who don’t exist enter silently.
And it’s as if these images were powered by a sleepy citizen of the brain, turning the wheels of a pedal powered contraption.
There go the times we’d sit on the porch late into the night.
That feeling in the back of your throat.
Sipping on drinks, sharp with sugar and fire.
Lazy conversation.
Rocking back and forth.
No stopping now.
It’s funny how things change.
Depending on your point of view.
Sometimes for the better and some for worse.
Losing control.
And the person in my head operating the moments rolling by, speeds up their pace.
Soon they’ll be gone.
Times change with a ferocity that brings desperation to my heart.
The plea:
“Let me linger,” I whisper to myself.
The source of longing.
“Let me imagine that these things are new”
The bargain falls on def ears.
The tiny feet pedaling with such force don’t slow.
It’s too late now.
They won’t ease off for anyone.
The sands of time, they’re pouring through my fingers.
Fear starts to set in.
Cupping my hands tightly, trying to grasp what’s happening.
Acceptance will never set in.
But every thing just falls away.
Melting visions, and pools of life encroaching around my feet.
I dive to the ground and clutch to all that is disappearing.
Swimming in my cherished memories.
Not ready to let go.
Ripped out from under me.
And then all was blank.

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