This is the story of my day


Tim got me this cute-as-a-button little bird today!

I named him Herbit.


Other things that happened today that aren’t particularly interesting, or important to people other than me:

(Let me remind you that no one is twisting your arm to read this so I can be as boring as I want!)

-Painting class…I’m working on a painting that is as tall as me. I’m working from a model and it’s coming out well so far. I took a cellphone picture of it in class but it came out so drab compared to the actual painting. So I don’t want to post it in fear of all you mysterious readers laughing your heads off at my botched attempt at large scale figurative painting. (If you see it in person and laugh your head off at what you think is a truly botched painting, then that’s acceptable. But certainly no laughing at a bad photo of it!)

-Dinner…when I got home from school ~~~chicken ala king~~~ was ready for eating. Boy was I happy about that.

-Target…I went with Tim which is where we got Herbit the Bird and also some ice cream, pancake mix, and probably one or two other items that are escaping my memory at the moment. (And honestly, do you/would you/should you care?)

-Halloween 5…was on T.V. and I watched a few minutes of it. (Have I ever mentioned that I’m a fan of those movies? (Well except Halloween 3…the biggest ripoff of the series)) But I didn’t get sucked in because there were too many commercial breaks.

-After I got frustrated with television I made some tea.


There you have it folks…my day in a nutshell.

On deck for tomorrow is a dentist appointment  for some good old drilling. ::shudder::


And with that, I’m off! Good night my mysterious readers.

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