2016 – The First 3 Months in a Jumble


This is going to be a long an winding post. Buyer beware. (I won’t be offended if you just scroll through and look at the pretty pictures)

Ok so first of all I have spent now…2 hours trying to get these damn photos to upload! It’s really been a struggle. And when I did finally get them uploaded they were completely out of order and WordPress has a sucky post editor so they’re staying out of order!

2016 has been a trip so far. Definitely one of my favorite years yet! After cutting some dead weight out of my life I feel like a new person. I lost myself over the past 5 years, like really and truly misplaced who I am. It feels so good to be the person that I love again! I’m so grateful for this gift! Anyway sap, sap, sop. Enough of that! Here ya go:

2016-02-27 16.54.35

2016-02-27 16.55.51

This is Antony, he’s a bald eagle. Cleopatra was sitting on their eggs in their GIANT nest and so Antony kept a close eye on the surroundings. At one point they chirped to each other! The whole thing was breath taking! We stood there forever hoping he’d fly!


2016-02-29 12.01.37

This is Jett, he was such a friendly little guy!


2016-02-29 13.59.11

I forget this owl’s name, but hey! A real live owl!


2016-03-01 15.09.40

I actually took this picture on my Florida vacation, not Valentine’s day. A questionable valentine.


2016-03-03 22.51.16

2016-03-03 22.52.06

Here’s my room after tidying, can’t wait to get it all painted!


2016-03-05 22.27.18

I’ve got a really ambitious project in the works. Stay tuned in like a year I might be done…!

2016-03-11 20.35.55

Goth night in Cambridge, it was SUCH a blast! Danced my butt off! And we totally got hit on in the best way possible on the train ride home. A+


2016-03-13 12.07.26

Waiting for Worcester’s St. Paddy’s Day Parade to start with my derby girls!


2016-03-13 12.25.37

Oh my god the little ones were just so precious!!


2016-03-13 12.30.47

They really didn’t know what to think of the bear!



This movie was really out there!

Tarot Spreads:


Work Spread: 2/8/16    The World – The Sun (Reversed) – The Moon (Reversed)




Relationship Spread 2/7/16      The Devil – The Magician – Death (Reversed)



Love Spread 2/10/16     The Pope (Reversed) – Justice – Strength (Reversed)






My nice and sticky new wheels!



This gum was NASTY! I was not surprised but still disappointed.



Painting in New Hampshire!



Kade’s deck of tarot cards is awesome! I loved this card especially!



I made these for Valentine’s Day, they were gross, but also very cute! I had a really special Valentine’s this year!



This was given to me by My Favorite Nun. It’s been blessed by the pope!



As Ritzy put it: “You tried to pretend your straight… A for effort…” It’s really true though, been livin’ the lie…


2016-03-13 12.08.09

Jess and Amanda!


2016-02-25 19.52.18

This was my efficient packing on the way to Florida!


2016-02-27 10.08.38

2016-02-27 10.11.35

Seagulls / Beach walks



Travis and I met up with some of my derby friends to watch a bunch of 90’s cover bands play. Though the songs were mostly from 2000 on sooo…??? It was still fun and we didn’t sleep ever. And I had skate practice the next day (that was ouch!).

If you’ve made it this far…you get a GOLD STAR! If you only looked at the pictures that’s ok, you still get a small copper star!

Love you all!


  1. Great Pic’s and Writing, read it all and enjoyed every minute. Love and hugs. Just be who you are, no matter where life take you just remember I love you!!! Plus I have egg-cellent (spelled it that way on purpose) listening skills 🙂

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